Test your materials
easier and faster
At MaCh3D we aim to redefine future engineering and manufacturing, through a deeper knowledge of materials thanks to more affordable testing.
The world of manufacturing is changing quickly pushed by a wind of innovations blowing from technology trends like additive manufacturing, circular economy, metal replacement and environmental impact reduction.
Emerging manufacturing technologies and new materials are being developed at a pace never experienced before. Infinite possibilities are given in the hands of designers and engineers to face up the future challenges in product development.
What is the missing link to accelerate and master this radical transformation ?
A punctual Materials’ knowledge is the key to success.
That is a kind of knowledge that could only come with direct testing onto materials, aka Material Testing.
Material Testing was traditionally a complex laboratory activity, somehow tricky and dangerous for the operator, thus requiring skilled technicians with some extra competence on data processing and manipulation for post-test activities on acquired data. For this reasons Material Testing as been seen up to now as a pure laboratory activity, complex, and not for all.
The required investment has been worth only for whom having a direct ROI on testing (i.e. testing laboratories) or for whom recurring to testing on an everyday base.
forgot all about traditional Material Testing !
Key to success
Smart Material Testing
Smart Material Testing is your new superpower !
The introduction of Smart Material Testing concept is making Material Testing easier and faster, available at any desk, in a laboratory as well as in a design office, and in any department, from Quality Inspection to directly the Industrial Production area, beside production machines and lines.
What could you do now ?
Thanks to Smart Material Testing a completely new set of scenarios will be possible.
Anyone with a little training and some basis knowledge can make impacting R&D in the field of materials science, SMEs can leverage of this taking full advantages of the competences and the attitude to experiment of their technical staff.
Companies transforming raw materials in to final products, independently of their dimension, can build up a testing laboratories to qualify their production and their materials, and they can do this directly in production floor, with production personnel.
You can ow easily set up a non cost-effective protocol for the quality control of the mechanical properties of transformed materials, something that was economically impossible for many or at least possible on a wide time-window.
Smart Material Testing enables frequent testing and materials’ performance monitoring.
Now what ?
Want to know more?
Just drop me a message at matteo-at-mach3d-dot-it